About The Practice
Sundon Dental Practice is a long established family dental practice, providing dental services to the local community and beyond. There are two ground floor surgeries, and two surgeries
upstairs, operated by four dentists, an Orthodontist and one part time hygienist.
The team at Sundon Dental Practice are fully committed to Continued Professional Development, attending regular training courses.
State-of-the-art technology, regular training courses and an eye on current dental research developments: we do everything we can to ensure professional care for your teeth. And it goes without saying that friendly service and a relaxed atmosphere form a natural part of your visit.
Get to know our practice and our enthusiastic, friendly team and make use of our helpful tips.
The aim of the practice team is to provide expert and friendly dental care for your family. We welcome your constructive comments about our service. We are always happy to look at suggestions for improvements.
We want you to have the best possible experience of care. The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service.
Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you’re helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.
This information is completely confidential and is designed to improve the service we offer to you.